9:00 |
Welcome to VERDI 2023
David Pereira, José Proença, Behrooz Sangchoolie
Fault Injection is Dead. Long Live Fault Injection!
Karthik Pattabiraman
NetLoiter: A Tool for Automated Testing of Network Applications using Fault-injection
Aleš Smrčka, Michal Rozsíval
Short paper
10:00 |
RISC-V Timing-Instructions for Open Time-Triggered Architectures
Nithin Ravani Nanjundaswamy, Gregor Nitsche
Short paper
Coffee break
11:00 |
Evaluating the Safety Impact of Network Disturbances for Remote Driving with Simulation-Based Human-in-the-Loop Testing
Shrishti Trivedi, Fredrik Warg
Using AI to Inject Vulnerabilities in Python Code
Frédéric Bogaerts, Naghmeh Ivaki, José Fonseca
Timeseries-aware Uncertainty Wrappers for Uncertainty Quantification of Information-Fusion-Enhanced AI Models based on Machine Learning
Janek Groß, Michael Kläs, Lisa Jöckel, Pascal Gerber
12:00 |
Modelling V&V Workflows to Improve Development Processes of Software-intensive Systems
Thomas Bauer, Wolfgang Herzner, Bob Hruska, Katia di Blasio, Zain Shahwar
Short paper
13:00 |
14:00 |
Jasmin/EasyCrypt — a framework for high-assurance software development
José Bacelar Almeida
SMT-Based Stability Verification of an Industrial Switched PI Control Systems
Stylianos Basagiannis, Ludovico Battista, Anna Becchi, Alessandro Cimatti, Georgios Giantamidis, Sergio Mover, Alberto Tacchella, Stefano Tonetta, Vassilios Tsachouridis
15:00 |
llhsc: A Devicetree Syntax and Semantic Checker
Vitor Rodrigues, André Matos Pedro
Translating Natural Language Requirements to Formal Specifications: A Study on GPT and Symbolic NLP
Iat Tou Leong, Raul Barbosa
Short paper
16:00 |
Coffee break
Simplifying Requirements Formalization for Resource-Constrained Mission-Critical Software
Carlos Mão de Ferro, Anastasia Mavridou, Michael Dille, Francisco Martins
Short paper
Preliminary Risk and Mitigation Assessment in Cyber-Physical Systems
András Földvári, Francesco Brancati, András Pataricza
17:00 |
Formal Verification for Safe AI-based Flight Planning for UAVs
Radouane Bouchekir, Michell Guzman Cancimance, Cook Alasdair, Johannes Haindl, Riqaq Woolnough
Formalizing Model Inference of MicroPython
Carlos Mão de Ferro, Tiago Cogumbreiro, Francisco Martins
18:00 |
SIMoT: A Low-fidelity Orchestrator Simulator for Task Allocation in IoT Devices
Tiago Fragoso, David Silva, João Pedro Dias, André Restivo, Hugo Sereno Ferreira