VERDI 2023

Session 4 (chair: Stefano Tonetta)

SIMoT: A Low-fidelity Orchestrator Simulator for Task Allocation in IoT Devices

Tiago Fragoso, David Silva, João Pedro Dias, André Restivo, Hugo Sereno Ferreira

at  18:5in  for  25min

Performing experiments with Internet-of-Things edge devices is not always a trivial task as large physical testbeds or complex simulators are often needed, leading to low reproducibility and several difficulties in crafting complex scenarios and tweaking parameters. Most available simulators try to simulate as close to reality as possible. While we agree that this kind of high-fidelity simulation might be necessary for some scenarios, we argue that a low-fidelity easy-to-change simulator may be a good solution when rapid prototyping orchestration strategies and algorithms. In this work, we introduce SIMoT, a low-fidelity orchestrator simulator created to achieve shorter feedback loops when testing different orchestration strategies for task allocation in edge devices. We then transferred the simulator-validated algorithms to both physical and virtual testbeds, where it was possible to assert that the simulator results correlate strongly with the observations on those testbeds.

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