VERDI 2024

Regular papers

Cybersecurity Pathways towards CE-Certified Autonomous Forestry Machines

Mazen Mohamad, Ramana Reddy Avula, Peter Folkesson, Pierre Kleberger, Aria Mirzai, Martin Skoglund, Marvin Damschen

at  13:30in  Connaughtfor  30min

The increased importance of cybersecurity in autonomous machinery is becoming evident to the forestry domain. Forestry worksites are becoming more complex with the involvement of multiple systems and system of systems. Hence, there is a need to investigate how to address cybersecurity challenges for autonomous systems of systems in the forestry domain. Using a literature review and adapting standards from similar domains, as well as collaborative sessions with domain experts, we identify challenges towards CE-certified autonomous forestry machines with a focus on cybersecurity and safety. Furthermore, we discuss the relationship between safety and cybersecurity risk assessment and their relation to AI, highlighting the need for a holistic methodology for their assurance.

 Overview  Program